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Shabbat Meal Reservation

  • Due to a large number of reservations, the registrations for the coming Friday evening will not be available during the night, in order to avoid exceeding our maximum capacity.

    Further information will be posted tomorrow morning from 10:30 am.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  • Information concerning the Shabbat dinner on August 30th :

    There are still places available at the ground floor, however you will have to wait 10 more minutes after the end of the Kiddush to allow the staff to set the tables.

  • Attention ! This form is not valid for Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot October 19 & 20, to register please fill out the dedicated Sukkot form on this link.

  • Pick a Date
  • For Friday evenings of August 18  we have almost no more places, that's why we ask a support contribution, which will help us to continue our hospitality work throughout the year.

  • This Shabbat (7-8/06) we may be full quite early.
    If you plan to join us, consider to reserve your places quickly.

  • Unfortunately, we no longer have meals available for this Friday night August 2nd.

    However it's still possible to book for Shabbat lunch 

    Thank you for your understanding.


    Please fill out the number of guests 


    Please fill out the number of guests 

  • *Late reservation (after Thursday 3 PM)

    Please fill out the number of guests 

  • For a tax deductible receipt valid for the USA contact us (Doesn't include the standard participation fee) 

  • Credit card payment having difficulty, in case of error please make the payment through PayPal

    Thank you for understanding

    You do not need an account to pay via PayPal

  • €0.00 EUR
    Credit Card
    Paypal has been selected. Payment will take place on the next page.
  • After submitting the payment, you will receive a confirmation by email.
    Otherwise, please write to us, as this would mean that your reservation would not have been taken into account by the system.

  • Our caterer needs to know the quantities on Wednesday at 12pm.

    However, until Thursday 3 p.m. it is still possible for us to slightly modify the order.  

    If you change your mind, you can cancel your reservation until Thursday 3 p.m. Paris time and be fully refunded (except for credit card fees of approximately 3%).

    After this delay, we can no longer order anything, but we always plan additional meals for late reservations, for which we ask an increased participation of 49 € to cover the meals ordered in excess.

    Please note that our office closes on Fridays at 1 p.m., but reservations are still possible as long as this form offers it.

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